Tips for Improving Your Relative Pitch

Are you tired of struggling to identify the notes in a melody or chord progression? Do you want to be able to recognize intervals and harmonies with ease? If so, then you need to work on your relative pitch.

Relative pitch is the ability to identify and understand the relationships between different notes and chords. It's an essential skill for any musician, whether you're a singer, instrumentalist, or composer. With good relative pitch, you can learn songs faster, improvise more effectively, and write better music.

In this article, we'll share some tips for improving your relative pitch. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced musician, these techniques will help you develop your ear and take your musical skills to the next level.

Tip #1: Practice Singing Intervals

One of the best ways to improve your relative pitch is to practice singing intervals. An interval is the distance between two notes, and there are many different types of intervals, such as major thirds, perfect fifths, and minor sevenths.

To practice singing intervals, start by playing a note on your instrument or using an online tool like to generate a random note. Then, sing the interval that corresponds to the next note you play. For example, if you play a C and then an E, you're singing a major third.

As you practice, try to focus on the sound of each interval and how it feels in your voice. You can also use a piano or keyboard to help you visualize the distance between the notes.

Tip #2: Learn to Recognize Chord Progressions

Another important aspect of relative pitch is the ability to recognize chord progressions. A chord progression is a series of chords that are played in a specific order, and they're a common feature of many songs.

To improve your ability to recognize chord progressions, start by listening to songs and trying to identify the chords that are being played. You can use online tools like Chordify or Ultimate Guitar to help you identify the chords in a song.

Once you've identified the chords, try to figure out the pattern or progression that they follow. For example, a common chord progression in pop music is I-IV-V, which means the chords are the first, fourth, and fifth notes of the major scale.

Tip #3: Practice Transcribing Melodies

Transcribing melodies is another great way to improve your relative pitch. Transcribing involves listening to a melody and then writing it down or playing it on your instrument.

To practice transcribing, start by listening to simple melodies and trying to write them down. You can use online tools like Transcribe! or Amazing Slow Downer to slow down the music and make it easier to hear the notes.

As you get better at transcribing, try to tackle more complex melodies and chord progressions. This will help you develop your ear and improve your ability to recognize different types of music.

Tip #4: Use Ear Training Apps and Tools

There are many ear training apps and tools available that can help you improve your relative pitch. These tools use a variety of exercises and games to help you develop your ear and recognize different types of music.

Some popular ear training apps include EarMaster, Perfect Ear, and These apps offer a range of exercises, from interval recognition to chord identification, and they're a great way to practice your skills on the go.

Tip #5: Practice with a Partner

Finally, practicing with a partner can be a great way to improve your relative pitch. When you practice with someone else, you can test each other's skills and provide feedback and support.

To practice with a partner, start by playing simple melodies or chord progressions and asking your partner to identify them. You can also try singing intervals together or playing a game of "name that tune."

As you practice with a partner, try to challenge each other and push yourselves to improve. This will help you develop your ear and build your confidence as a musician.


Improving your relative pitch is an essential skill for any musician, and it's something that can be developed with practice and dedication. By following these tips and techniques, you can improve your ability to recognize intervals, chords, and melodies, and take your musical skills to the next level.

So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today and see how far you can go!

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